Tuesday 2 September 2014

LBS finger v1

In a previous post a new mechanism, namely linkages was introduced to replace the previous tendon driven mechanism. We justified this in a previous post. In this blog post, we will show you the prototype design steps that we took to fabricate our first LBS finger v1. (Loh Boon Shen Finger)

Step 1: Design a quick prototype on Google Sketchup (5 hours)
Fig 1: Corner view 

Fig 2: overlapped movements

Step 2: Use the CNC router to cut out the plastic pieces + removing the stubborn adhesive that was used to hold the plastic sheet on the base (over night + 2 hours)
Fig 3: Cutting the pieces out of a sheet of 2mm acrylic plastic
Step 3: Assembly + making Additional bits out of 2mm Aluminium (2 hours)
Fig 4: Open finger

Fig 5: Closed Finger
The finger was too chunky. Mechanically sound but it was also too heavy. It took us a long time to put this together but we plan to re-design such that it can be easily put together to:

  • form an actual robot hand
  • make space for the servos (Decided to use HTX900 since they are available from Ray)
  • create space for the light sensors on the finger tips
  • have the entire thing made out of plastic with the exception of the screws and bolts
  • Reduce the weight 
  • Make it smaller 

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