The Division of Love |
So we have decided to divide the project into three sub-projects. Namely the Leap API, Gloves and robot hand.
Leap API: building the necessary java script knowledge to write programs which allows the robot hand, gloves and leap motion to work in real time.
Boss in charge: Ashan
Minion: Vincent
Gloves: To build the hardware as well as the actual glove for the user and the robot hand. The 'human glove' will have haptic feedback actuators while the 'robot glove' will have sensors to detect obstacles.
Boss in charge: Vincent
Minion: Shen
Robot Hand: To build the hardware and the robot hand with 14 degrees of movement from the robot fingers PLUS rotation about the wrist.
Boss in charge: Shen
Minion: Ashan
We will attempt to prototype as soon as we can so we can pour more time into software.
Stay tuned!
Nice :)